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Uneven Hairlines – Why They Happen and How to Fix Them

uneven hairlines


➡ Uneven hairlines can appear genetically or due to the balding process. If you have only recently started experiencing uneven hairlines, this might indicate that your head has started balding.

➡ Regardless of the reason, if this does not feel comfortable or natural to you, you should look at solutions such as hair transplants, Finasteride, or simply changing your diet and lifestyle.

➡ Do not forget that an uneven hairline is not an inescapable fate. There might always be a solution that suits you the best.

➡ Reaching out to an experienced dermatologist clinic is your first step to identifying the cause of an uneven hairline and potentially solving it.

For most men, a decent hairstyle is a vital part of their looks.

In addition to having a full head of hair that is styled right, it’s important for everything to look as right and natural as possible.

In this blog, I want to explain the possible reasons behind an uneven hairline and the choices you have for fixing it:

First, let’s see if what you might be experiencing is normal:

Is An Uneven Hairline Normal?

So the question is, is it normal for you to have an uneven hairline?

Well, no, and yes. 🧑‍⚕️

It totally depends on your situation.

The answer is no, IF your hairline recently started to become asymmetrical, and it wasn’t always the way it is now.

And the answer is ONLY yes if you always had an uneven hairline.

No face or body can be perfectly symmetrical in all aspects, and it’s normal for people to have body parts that don’t match exactly on opposing sides of the body.

Our policy is always putting your comfort first, so you get to decide how to react:

Should you be worried about an uneven hairline?

stress free

I should highlight this part clearly:

An uneven hairline, on its own, is not a significant threat or a concern to your physical health.

However, in my medical opinion, stress-induced effects on patients’ health are always a concern.

So, if you feel that it is worrying you, regardless of the condition being natural or not, then you should look for options on fixing it at least for the sake of eliminating stress that can cause further hair loss.

Ultimately, what is important is how you feel:

It’s more about the self-image

uneven hairline

Yes, it might be natural for you to have an uneven hairline, but it might not feel natural for you, which is entirely understandable.

It’s much more important to feel comfortable in your own body and approve of the image that you see in mirrors and photos. Sometimes, you feel like a certain feature might not belong on your body, which is the main reason cosmetic surgeries exist.

If you think one part of your hairline is located further than the other part, creating an undesired image, nothing should keep you from looking for ways to fix it.

Potentially, you can consider natural or surgical options:

Can an uneven hairline grow back?

It is very unlikely for your body to grow hair on certain parts of your scalp to even out your hairline, but it’s NOT impossible.

👉 It depends on the cause of the distortion of the hairline; if you’ve lost hair because of male pattern baldness, the hair won’t grow back on its own, ever.

But if you’ve had a medical condition that caused you to lose hair temporarily, your hairline will most likely improve by itself, although the chances of restoring your natural look are much lower. You might still end up with asymmetry, even if it’s on a tiny scale.

As I’ve said, it all depends on the cause of the uneven hairline:

Causes of Uneven Hairlines

An uneven hairline can be a result of various medical conditions and incidents, and the treatment of an uneven hairline varies depending on the reason behind it.

Here are the top causes for an uneven hairline, starting with the most common one:

Male Pattern Baldness / Androgenetic Alopecia

According to hair loss statistics, male pattern baldness is the cause of 95% of all hair loss in men.

uneven hairline statistic

💡 And chances are, your hairline will further recede in the upcoming years, and your baldness will develop even further. Millions of men worldwide suffer from male pattern baldness, and an uneven hairline is one of the earliest signs of AGA.

But there’s no need to get desperate, as there are methods to stop and even reverse hair loss caused by pattern baldness, which we’ll discuss in the following sections.


If you’ve always had an uneven hairline, it’s most definitely caused by your genetics.

In addition, even if the asymmetrical look of your front scalp was developed recently, there still might be genetics in the play here. That is because our scalp and hair change as we age and mature, which can amplify an uneven hairline further.

In either case, asymmetry caused by genetics is permanent, but hair transplant surgeries can help fix that, too. 🩺

Traction Alopecia

As with any other organ or tissue in our body, your hair will not react well to physical stress and strain over extended periods.

Especially encountered by people with long hair, traction alopecia is a condition where you lose hair, mainly around your frontal scalp, due to physical strain.

traction alopecia uneven hairline
Female Patient with Tractional Alopecia

⚠️ It is usually caused by years of using hair clips and pins that grab your hair tightly for hours, even days, at one time. And if your hairstyle isn’t completely symmetrical, traction alopecia can cause uneven hairlines where hair falls out more on one part due to more physical stress.

If identified and treated early, hair loss caused by traction alopecia can be reversed naturally. 🍀

These natural options can include:

▶️ Detecting any harmful hair product and removing it from your daily life,

▶️ Trying out different hairstyles that do not squeeze and physically stress your hair as much, and more.

However, if the follicles are already destroyed, the hair loss is permanent, and the only way to fix it is through hair restoration surgeries.

Failed Hair Transplants

Hair transplant surgeries, like any other type of surgery, are prone to fail by nature. Even if the surgery itself was a success, there is no guarantee that you’re safe without proper post-transplant care.

Most hair transplant failures usually happen a few months following the medical procedure and consist of a significant amount of transplanted hair falling out of your scalp.

hair transplant uneven hairline

This hair loss is almost always asymmetrical and can cause a distorted look that can be considered an extreme case of an uneven hairline.

Another hair transplant surgery is needed to fix the issue in this case.

💠 You should make sure you’re working with the right clinic that uses the latest hair transplant techniques and medical products to ensure success, like UnitedCare.

Other Types of Hair Loss

Although the causes above are the most common causes of asymmetry in your hairline, your uneven hairline can be caused by a different condition.

Basically, any cause of hair loss would also cause an uneven hairline to form.

➡️ A common reason for hair loss is stress, amplified by lack of sleep or even a patient pulling their hair out themselves.

➡️ Autoimmune diseases are also likely to cause hair loss as your own body battles against your cells, including hair follicles.

➡️ In addition, poor diet and lack of exercise can leave your scalp malnourished and cause follicle shrinking and falling.

➡️ And lastly, any scarring infection or skin disease located on your frontal scalp will also cause hair loss that can be permanent or difficult to revert, resulting in an uneven hairline as well.

Treatments for Uneven Hairlines

The smallest features of yourself that you see as flaws might not seriously affect your appearance, but they can harm your self-image.

Most importantly, if your hairline has recently been distorted to become uneven for whatever reason, it can adversely affect your confidence and mood.

But an asymmetrical hairline is NOT something you have to live with, so if you decide to restore your natural look, you have some options.

The methods I’m about to list go from the slowest and most indirect method to the most efficient and direct method, and what you’ll choose should depend on your situation:

Lifestyle Changes for a Healthier Scalp

The quickest option you have to make things better NOW is changing or altering your daily habits to establish a healthier lifestyle.

It’s only going to help you completely recover from an uneven hairline IF your daily habits caused the situation in the first place or IF the distortion is very mild and slowly progressing.

A few changes that can have a significant influence are:

✅ Reducing (Stopping if Possible) Smoking and Alcohol Intake

✅ Adopting a Healthy and Balanced Diet

✅ Regular Exercise/Yoga

✅ Trying a Different Hairstyle and Avoiding Harmful Hair Products

✅ Regularly Massaging Your Hair With Essential Oils

✅ Treating Your Hair Gently/Avoiding Appliances of Physical Strain

✅ Avoiding Direct Contact of Your Scalp with the Sun

If you provide your scalp with what it needs to grow healthy hair and keep it out of harm’s way, you’ll undoubtedly see improvements for the long haul.

But, as I’ve said, the changes will not come quickly and might not be as efficient as you’d wish, so the next option is:

Finasteride and/or Minoxidil

Rogaine Minoxidil and Finasteride are two common over-the-counter medications used to stop and reverse hair loss.

💊 Minoxidil helps promote hair growth in the area that it is applied, which would be the bald spots on your scalp.

💊 Finasteride, on the other hand, is commonly offered as an oral medication that slows and even stops the progression of male pattern baldness.

minoxidil hairline
Minoxidil from Different Brands
propecia hairline
Propecia Finasteride

Both drugs are applied/taken regularly to show effect, and most patients see better results when they combine these two drugs.

❌ The downside of Minoxidil and Finasteride, however, is that they WON’T promote hair growth in areas where balding has progressed visibly.

So, if your uneven hairline has progressed to a level where there is an entire area without any hair, these medications won’t help you restore your natural look.

PRP and Stem Cell Injections

Platelet-rich Plasma and Stem Cell injections for hair growth are two scientifically proven methods to promote hair growth around thinning areas.

*️⃣ In a PRP treatment, platelets, a component of your blood that helps with healing and growth, are derived from your blood and are applied to your scalp to help hair follicles repair and grow.

*️⃣ In a stem cell treatment, a small tissue is extracted from your scalp’s safe donor areas, and the stem cells are harvested from this tissue. Later, these are injected again into your scalp to promote growth.

Both methods can help promote hair growth on the part of your hairline that is more thinning.

But, just as it is for Minoxidil and Finasteride, PRP and stem cell injections are indirect treatments that won’t help you get absolute and guaranteed results, at least the results you need for the natural look.

If your uneven hairline has receded too far to be treated with medications, PRP, or stem cells, then at that point, you should start considering the surgical options:

Hair Transplant Surgeries

The only direct treatment that will completely restore your natural hairline is a hair transplant surgery.

The initial investment you’ll make in a hair transplant is much higher than other treatments I’ve mentioned, but the results are more definite and visible; a hair transplant can be permanent IF it’s done and maintained right.

First off, your hair loss should be visible and already progressed for you to be eligible for this operation. So, your uneven hairline should be the result of permanent hair loss in that area.

Remember, knowing if you are a suitable candidate for getting a hair transplant in the first place is as cruical as deciding to get one, which is why consultation with a doctor is vital.

If you are, you will consult with a hair restoration clinic, preferably one with an on-site dermatologist, and they will examine your hair loss and give a date for the operation.

hair restoration surgery uneven hairline
Dr. Utkan harvesting hair from a hair restoration patient

During the surgery, the surgeon will first draw your desired hairline and apply local anesthesia to your scalp.

Then, the surgeon will harvest hair grafts from the safe donor area of your scalp and implant them into the recipient area to restore your hairline.

It will take extensive care after a hair transplant to ensure permanent results, but 6-12 months later, your new hair will grow, and you will achieve your desired look.

UnitedCare – Restore Your Hairline with Advanced FUE Surgeries

At UnitedCare, we begin your hair transplant process by offering you a FREE one-on-one consultation with our expert dermatosurgeons to decide your method together. 

💊 Our holistic approach provides advanced technologies and bio-enhancements to ensure you do not need another surgery.

We use intracellular solutions (a.k.a bioenhancements), helping cells stay alive for days outside the body. These solutions increase graft survival rates significantly. 💉

Most importantly, our care assistant/patient manager is in contact with our patients even before and after the surgery, ensuring that your transplant becomes permanent. 🍀

Affordable hair transplant costs, a holistic approach, and experienced dermatologists on-site are here to provide you with the right solution.

hair transplant uneven hairline
Dermatologist Dr. Utkan K. Conducting a DHI FUE Surgery

Begin your journey with a FREE consultation and save your hairline before it’s too late.
We’re just a click away. 👇

Fix your uneven hairline and restore your natural look now.

UnitedCare’s expert dermatosurgeons provide you with a holistic approach to FUE surgeries:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why do uneven hairlines happen?

A number of reasons can cause an uneven hairline, but the underlying cause of all these reasons is hair loss from the frontal part of your scalp. This hair loss is mainly caused by either male pattern baldness or traction alopecia.

How can I improve my uneven hairline?

If the hair loss in the uneven parts of your hairline hasn’t progressed to becoming fully bald, you can use natural methods or medications to restore your hairline. However, if it has progressed further, you will need hair restoration surgery to fix the situation.

Why was I born with an uneven hairline?

Among the various reasons that can cause an uneven hairline, the most prominent and natural reason is genetics. In that case, it is natural and expected to have an uneven hairline. But still, if you are not happy with it, you can apply for options on fixing it.

Can uneven hairline grow back?

It depends on how your uneven hairline has appeared and how much it has receded. Suppose it has started to get uneven only lately. In that case, options such as Minoxidil, Finasteride, PRP, stem cells, or even natural methods such as the changes in your daily habits can help. However, if your uneven hairline has been around for quite some time due to either genetics or advanced baldness, then growing back may not be possible. Your only option in that case would be going for a hair transplant.

Dr. Utkan Kiziltac

Utkan Kızıltaç, MD, WFUE, ISHRS Assc

Chief Physician and Dermatologist Hair Transplant Surgeon of UnitedCare, a dermatology clinic helping patients become the best version of themselves.

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