Build happy relationships for life,
with your handsome look.
UnitedCare’s cutting-edge hair restoration
techniques can give your youthful energy back
and boost your attractiveness.

Dermatologist Kızıltaç’s 3-step process for hair transplant success
1. Plan

Determine the optimum personalized plan to preserve 66% of your precious donor hairs while getting great coverage.
2. Execute

Utilize the 2025 technologies and techniques for effective and minimally invasive surgery.
3. Unite

Long-term collaboration with holistic treatment for permanent results.
Canadian Arm Wrestler Matt Mask’s Hair Transplant Journey

Before the Operation & with surgery plan in place
“Honestly, if you ever feeling a little insecure, you want to get more hair put on the head, UnitedCare is definitely the way to go.” 🌱
“I’m pretty happy with the results so far; it’s only been 4,5 months. The job that UnitedCare did honestly absolutely fantastic.” 🎉

Matt’s 6-month hair transplant result. Just 50% of implants have grown yet. The rest will grow in 6-12 months 🚀
Once a hair follicle dies, it is impossible to revive it.
Get a free dermatologist opinion before it is too late.
See what our patients say about us
People you just met will never understand
you had a hair transplant

Your personal patient manager
Still unsure? Let’s talk
Feeling overwhelmed by having so many options? Talking to a real person can give you the guidance and reassurance. Let’s find out if UnitedCare’s service is right for you.
Dermatosurgeon Utkan Kızıltaç explains:
Why UnitedCare?
You have just 1 thing to do: Booking your flight.
We’ll handle the rest for you in Istanbul.

The dedicated customer success specialist answers all of your questions.

The foreign language-speaking chauffeur handles all transfers with the VIP Van.

5-Star Hotels will be at your service for 3 nights.

Operations are done by experienced dermatologist hair transplant surgeons.

Aftercare kits and all medications will be provided to you.
Curious about every step of UnitedCare Hair Transplant Surgery?

Components of Hair Transplant Success
KE-Bot mobile to preserve your donor bank
It is a 360-degree scanning system that assesses a patient’s head and hair and outputs 3-D scalp modeling and some crucial data including:
- Each hair’s shaft diameter and caliber
- Hair density in donor area
- The total donor capacity
- The coverage value
- The number of grafts extracted in previous hair transplant surgeries.
So your precious and limited donor hairs are used wisely to cover your bald or thinning zones.

Bio-enhancements for your grafts’ survival
Physical trauma and blood flow are the most critical factors affecting graft survival.
In a hair transplant, grafts wait about 5 days to be reconnected to the blood supply again.
Without bio-enhancements, 10-15% of grafts may die even after a flawless surgery (Nobody tells you).
Our bio-enhacements provide your grafts the best medium for survival, recovery, and growth.
No technician-led operation
It is vital to understand that hair transplant surgery is a practice of medicine.
We have been observing a disturbing trend in hair transplantation clinics over the last few years.
An increasing number of clinics and hospitals (yes, even hospitals) offering a range of aesthetic services are using non-medical technicians and counterfeit medical equipment to perform hair transplant surgeries, which almost always harm the patients.

A properly trained and licensed physician
“The ISHRS believes the following aspects of hair restoration surgery should only be performed by a licensed physician.
1. Preoperative diagnostic evaluation and consultation
2. Surgery planning
3. Surgery execution including:
– Hairline design
– Donor hair harvesting
– Recipient site creation
– Management of other patient medical issues and possible adverse reactions
4. Post-operative care”
Source: ISHRS consumer advocacy.
Dermatologist Surgeons
Hair transplantation began as a dermatologic surgery procedure and become widespread with the development of easy-to-access medical tools.
Only a minority of hair transplant surgeons today are dermatologists. They specialize in circumstances that affect the skin and hair, so they have a deep understanding of hair loss and can help you protect the hair you have and regrow the hair you’ve lost.

Hasan’s Success Story
I was in my early 20s when I first noticed my hair loss.
At the time, I was working my tail off starting my own business, working late nights and early mornings.
The exact time I noticed my hair thinning is unclear, but I remember waking up every day and seeing a bunch of hair on my pillows, in the drain after the shower, and then on the comb.
What a sight to start a long day, right?
You see, I was a hair guy; my hair was a big part of my charisma (at least that’s how I perceived myself.) I was ashamed of losing hair and started feeling insecure.
I started seeing doctors about it once my hairline had significantly receded. I applied a dozen topical treatments over the years, even used finasteride for almost a year.
There were results, they didn’t solve the whole problem, but they were there as long as I used the treatments regularly.
Once I stopped using the topical treatments after seeing some improvements, it continued to fall out.
It was a highly stressful period for me, affecting my daily life. I was ready to do anything to get my hair back for a “permanent” solution.
That’s where I came across Dr. Utkan. He assured me that hair loss was, in fact, reversible, and with the right treatment and lifestyle choices, I could get my head to look like it used to before all this.
We talked about my family’s hair loss history, medical background, and lifestyle choices. He pointed right at the exact reasons for my hair loss and advised me on how I could stop losing hair and what I should avoid. He said I needed a hair transplantation if I wanted my hairline back.
I had my doubts and fears; I asked dozens of questions to Dr. Utkan about every possible outcome. And he answered all of them reassuringly.
I went through with a hair transplant surgery and stuck with Dr. Utkan’s advice.
I am now once again the hair guy!
I don’t feel old when I look at my hair every morning anymore; I don’t feel bad going outside without a cap.
There isn’t a magical treatment for hair loss that will make you all sexy all of a sudden; believe me, I searched the whole Google. But Dr. Utkan and his team are experts on this, and everyone who experiences the same stuff should first benefit from their knowledge, then their treatments.”

Once had thick and strong hairs?
You can get them back with safe and proven methods as painful as a pinprick.
Happy customers are our greatest source of motivation 💪